You can learn AI later

你可以慢点学习 AI …

这篇文章的作者是 Jason Fried,37Signals 的联合创始人兼 CEO,这家公司开发了 Basecamp 和 HEY。曾被连线杂志评为《十大最值得关注的新创公司》。


You can learn AI later

Throw a dart on LinkedIn, or toss one into the ether on Twitter, and you’ll likely hit a post proclaiming that you better “learn AI” or you’re falling behind.

Master the tools and become a prompt engineer or someone else will tell the AI to summarize the long documents, kick off initial first drafts, and rewrite the headlines for you!


This isn’t saying AI, ChatGPT, or whatever comes next is nonsense. It’s very real, very powerful, and very here.

But there’s nothing you need to learn, or do, right now, other than be curious. Play around, kick the tires, poke and prod. Get a feel for what this new sauce tastes like. Have fun, it’s not a test.

But become a master at once or you’re going to lose your job to some AI expert? Nah. That’s pure FUD. The stuff that everyone’s talking about is barely 6 months old — there are no experts, there are just people playing experts on the internet.

Besides, the best way to learn something is to need that something. Learning when you don’t really need to is a good way to give up early. Learning when there’s something you truly need to do, but can’t, but could, is the right time to figure something out.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, but it’s really the impetus for learning. The time will come, and you can figure it out then. If anything, it’ll be easier to learn how to use AI once it settles in a bit. Currently it’s a moving target.

So wait on it. Pop the pressure. Don’t feel like you’re falling behind. And don’t drop everything to dig in. Start curious, stay curious, know what it’s capable of, and, when the necessity strikes, figure it out. Until then, ignore the demands and focus on doing what you’re already good at.



You can learn AI later

强烈赞同,也符合当前本人的状态——初步了解 AI 工具的功能,非刻意地搜集整理 AI 工具即可。

BTW. 当前无论是花 1 个小时,还是 100 个小时用于学习 ChatGPT,也仅仅在简历上多一行「知悉/熟练使用 ChatGPT」而已,对于当前个体生活无太大的影响,最终做分辨、整理、判断的还得是自己。

另外发现一个有意思的 AI 赚钱案例。

加拿大的超现实主义 AI 艺术家和作家,已经用 AI 写作和做图并出版了97本书。

9个月的时间赚了 2000 美元。


就是用 gpt 和 claude 来写故事,然后用 midjourney 为故事配图。

gpt 和 claude 都是目前比较牛逼的 AI 聊天对话机器人🤖️。

而 midjourney 则是目前非常实用的艺术感超强的绘画工具,十分适合用来制作插图。


大多在 2000-80000 字之间。

书卖的售价也不贵,标的价格在 1.99-5.99 美元之间。



博客地址:Tim Boucher


文章作者: 夜行书生
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